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Contact Us
League Entry

Just to clarify, some girl’s only teams may play down an age group so U16 Girls can play in the U14 league, U14 may play U12 but U12 may NOT play U10. Individual girls in mixed teams can also play down an age group but NOT U12 playing U10. NL registered girls may not play down an age group.

As ever the league will endeavour to provide qualified refs & TOs for all matches.

NL players will be limited to 2 per team within their age group, with only one on court at a time. So in the U16 league you may only have 2 year 11 players in the team. There will be no restriction on year 10 NL registered players. However I would request that you all consider the benefit to the player & their team mates of you playing very strong players.

The league is a Development league, as such I really do need to re-iterate that all coaches & players must treat each other & officials with respect at all times. I will be circulating a code of conduct for coaches & players this season which I expect to be adhered to. We all have a duty to provide a safe & enjoyable environment for young officials, players & coaches to learn & develop.

Any issues must be addressed to the court commissioner away from the game. Refusal to do this could lead to exclusion from the court.

The match fee will remain at £65 per game, with no deposit or registration fee.

Please return this form to me by 31st August 2019

Best wishes

Ruth Fettes

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